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Church of Ireland United Dioceses of Cork Cloyne and Ross


Ethos Statement of Bandonbridge National School                         


Bandonbridge National School is a Church of Ireland National School under the patronage of the Bishop of Cork, Cloyne and Ross. Bandon Union of Parishes is served by the school. Bandonbridge National School has been evolving on its present site since 1960; it was formed by the amalgamation of a number of schools: Brinny, Innishannon, Ballymodan Boys’ and Ballymodan Girls’ National Schools and consequently is a co-educational school.



                                        Bandonbridge N.S. is a school which, in accordance with the Education (Admissions to Schools) Act 2018 serves, in                                          the first instance, those of a ‘minority religion’. The school community reflects an atmosphere of tolerance and                                                  respect for religious differences. We work towards the spirit of ecumenism, inclusion and diversity as represented in                                          local community life.



The school is a community where all pupils are respected – irrespective of sex, social background,                                                             

family circumstances, educational achievement, physical characteristics or intellectual functioning.                                                         

Pupils experience a sense of caring and belonging, they are treated fairly, and their spiritual, moral                                                             

and religious development is encouraged, as is their intellectual, social and academic development.


The school is part of the local church community and has strong links with Bandon Union of

Parishes. The rector visits classrooms on a regular basis. We aspire to be a school where values such

as honesty, truthfulness, justice, fairness, sensitivity to others and civic responsibility are nurtured

and protected. It is a goal of the school to prepare its pupils to be responsible and active citizens.



                                                    The school nurtures faith in its pupils while fostering freedom of thought and an individual relationship with                                                      God. Religious Education, including Biblical studies, is at the core of the school curriculum and is based on                                                        the “Follow Me” programme provided by the Church of Ireland Board of Education. 



The school enjoys a positive working relationship with parents. There is an active, supportive PA

which contributes hugely to the life and running of the school. Parents are encouraged to share

their time and talents in support of school activities: art activities, gardening, sports and other

pastimes. Social occasions, online communication portals and parent-teacher meetings provide

opportunities for parents and staff to get to know one another. These communications are central

to the wellbeing of pupils and staff.


                                                               The staff members are encouraged and facilitated, where possible, in any further professional                                                                               development opportunities that arise. (e.g. PDST/NCSE courses, external facilitators at CP meetings,                                                                   Summer Courses etc.). The School reflects on the teaching and learning, the wellbeing and                                                                                   school environment when engaged in school self-evaluation and planning for the future. The Code of                                                                   Behaviour centres on the value of respect for yourself and for others. Inclusion and participation of                                                                     minority groups are an important part of school life. For example, the school holds intercultural 

                                                               events where all cultures in the community are celebrated.


If you are interested in being part of our school community and to share in its values and ethos, please contact the office for an application form for your child.

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