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Bandonbridge N.S.

Our School Information
Our School Day: 8:45 a.m. - 2:25 p.m. (1:25 p.m. Infants)
We operate a Healthy Lunchbox Policy: no sweets, no crisps, no fizzy drinks (On special occasions this rule may be lifted but in such instances, parents/guardians will be advised). On Fridays, parents/guardians might wish to give pupils one small goodie: a biscuit, a mini-bar, a small bun/cake.
Our School Uniform:pupils wear a light-blue polo shirt, a navy jumper or cardigan and navy trousers, trackpants, short or skirt. Runners should be worn on P.E. days.
All school textbooks, workbooks and copybooks will be purchased by the school using the new School Books Grant. Some classes use book boxes to store their book rental books. There is a charge for these services payable September. Bills will be circulated when school returns in the autumn.
Bus Éireann operate 3 School Buses. You will find information and application forms for this by clicking this link:
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